Lately in cyberspace is being busy-hectic talk about some of the SEO contest, including call it SEO Contest 2011 Come in community In my own Faceblog which was participating to the contest participants. Well within the framework of this contest, to be sure all participants will try to do the optimization of their blog as much as possible so that the article was written to appear the first page of search results. Search engine result pages are also called SERP or Seach Engine Result Page.
Back to the laptop, as a novice blogger I also have knowledge and understanding is still lacking about how to seo optimization. But there is no harm in also if I want to try to share and pass on this blogspot seo optimization according to my understanding and in a language I speak.
SEO optimization, does it?
SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization which is translated in our language search engine optimization. Definition of SEO Optimization according to my understanding is that efforts should or should we do in order to optimize results from search engine itself. Examples of search engines are Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing, Ask and others.
SEO optimization, why should I do?
Yes of course we have to do! The reason is surely that title or the name of our blog posts can appear on search engine result pages. As well as those with longer follow-SEO Contest and Community Come On Faceblog, certainly hopes so that an article could appear on page 1 of Google. Other reasons why seo optimization to be done is to ensure that the robots are assigned by the search engine to track and record important data on our blog to be more friendly, because of what they want to browse their data and everything is fulfilled thanks to a touch of optimization has we do. That's roughly the analogy in my opinion. Create a blog is nofollow maybe this could be considered. Because if we still use the attribute rel = nofollow on our blogs, it just means we put the words "KEEP OUT" right at the entrance to our blog. So that the census takers aka the Google robots had also become reluctant to enter the blog and record important data such as your backlinks.
SEO optimization, how to do it?
This is an important part of this article that makes me so "eager" to immediately write down what is in my head today. According to some references as well as results from blogwalking to some other blogs, I found that to do the seo optimization can generally be done in 2 ways or 2 techniques. Both of these seo optimization techniques, namely:
1. SEO On Page Optimization Techniques
The definition is an attempt or effort into what we do to further optimize our blog page in order to get a position or a better ranking in search engine result pages (SERP). Examples on page seo optimization techniques such as:
- Optimization of the structure of the blog page / web starting from selecting the right template (in my language are the templates that are SEO friendly), the use of H1, H2 etc., use CSS, scripts in templates and others. Just sharing the experience, when I first made this blog I use Archel template. After a month of fun trying to find my first know if all my posts are indexed by Google, it turns out there are some that have not been indexed. After googling here and there I finally found the answer. The reason is there is a section tag in my template is missing or does not exist. Thus for those of you who like tinkering with the template be careful not to code headings (H1, H2, H3 ... etc) the template you are missing!
- Optimization of meta tags. Ideally a blog should have a meta description tag and meta tag keywords. And when writing a post, remember that there is always the target keywords in your meta tags. Interesting finding as I said in the prologue at the beginning of this paper are: the results of a random sampling test on the blogs that appear on Google search pages with targeted keywords and Community Come On Faceblog, I find there are some blogs that do not have a meta description tag and keywords. And more surprises me anymore there are blogs that featured the first page did not have a title. Until now I am still confused myself, can ya koq perched first page? Let's find out!
- Optimization SEO on blog postings, such as keyword placement, anchor links and keyword density. Keyword density values as suggested some master seo is 2-7%. For those not familiar with this tool, try searching on Google. For WordPress users, you will find it very helpful at all if you've installed the plugins All In One SEO Pack.
- SEO Optimization by making an internal link or links between the posts. Especially for a link between postings, I usually wrote a whole, in part or fragment of the title of my previous post with the assumption that the word is the keyword and the link I made straight towards the intended article. We recommend that you do not (never ..!!) create a link between post by writing short words like click here for example.
- Setting inbound links (incoming links) and outbound links (outgoing links) - Fix broken links or broken links - There are many other ways, please eksplore own.
2. Off Page SEO Optimization Techniques
The definition of off page seo optimization technique is an attempt or effort that we do to optimize your blog page from the outside. The goal remains the same, in order to rank or SERP position us to be good or better. For example there is only one that is how we can get quality backlinks that led towards our blog (inbound links). To get quality backlinks can be done with Bebeberapa ways, for example:
- Create a dummy blog is a blog that we deliberately created with the aim only to provide backlink towards your blog we're optimization. In making this dummy blog I am always trying to find a blog platform that had a high rank. It is very nice to boost the position of our blog on search engines.
- Take advantage of social networks or social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter. Update your status with the most recent posts include a link so your friends know about it and better if they immediately clicked the link to quickly read your post. If I myself prefer the Canadian social networking is because of Google's index is also fast.
- Submit an article to multiple blogs or free directory like Zimbio Flixya, and do not forget also by our domestic news sites such as News or Infogue Cross.
- Another way that almost all bloggers are implemented by exchanging links or link exchange among fellow bloggers.
Well ya finally over ngeluarin "steam" seo optimization problem. Hopefully my writing is actually also studying this seo optimization can be useful, particularly for optimization seo blogspot mas bro. If there is among the bro who feel ill-fitting or wrong with this article, I invite criticism as long as the language of polite. And if you feel satisfied and fulfilled a sense of curiosity about the optimization seo, give positive comments to me. Because I too will give a backlink as a reward he he. Salam bro friendship for all.
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